Internet and Multimedia Solutions

We offer a broad product range from simple web pages to animated flash sites. Whether you want to reach new customers via internet or to deploy a state of the art e-commerce solution - we'll help you to find the right answer.

Using multimedia products like CD-ROM's or DVD's opens up a seemingly limitless array of possibilities. Imagine the ability to present your product catalog in an interactive format, using audio and visual effects so that customers can experience your products in a variety of ways.

IT Consulting

We'd like to assist you, if
- you want to make your IT investment pay
- you have a vision, but cannot realize it on your own
- you are looking for a better, beneficial and appropriate solution
- you need to free yourself from technical barriers
You yourself know your business processes best. With our IT expertise we add value to your business by helping to optimize your processes. Key business processes should be aligned to your needs and demand efficient configuration. We work with you to determine which methods and tools are available to do that. The result is processes that are rationalized thanks to effective IT solutions

Network Development and Consulting

Networks connect computers to each other and to different devices. They enable the shared use of email, facsimile, internet, printers etc. The information can be shared with different workstations and processed simultaneously so that relevant data (e.g. calendars, contact lists, customer in-formation etc.) is always up-to-date.

In addition to integrating field representatives, networks enable you to open up new communication lines to customers and suppliers. And that means new business for you. Basically, networks serve to retain, manage and share valuable and critical resources. In cooperation with you our skilled team determines what you need and plans the installation, the maintenance and the expansion of your network. We have many years of experiences in building and supervising heterogeneous networks and Intranets.

Software Solutions

Don't re-invent the wheel. For most cases, the software you need probably already exists. The key is knowing how to choose the right one. Based on your demands and wishes, we can find the appropriate solution.

Sometimes none of the available software can fulfill your expectations. Or perhaps what is commercially available comes with a bunch of features you don’t need, making the product user-unfriendly. That is when our ability to produce a tailor made solution can be a real life-saver. Xistem maintains a highly qualified and experienced team of software engineers and project management professionals based in Germany and Turkey. We have a proven track record in handling the development of complex client / server and database driven applications.

In the conception phase we listen to you, in order to determine your wishes and needs. The success of the project depends on the deployment of user-friendly and future-oriented technologies, so that the results have a long life span. In the post-production phase we test the results together and offer training courses for your staff.